Saturday, July 25, 2020, from 3 pm – 4 pm

We are thrilled to invite Zainab Amadahy on July 25th at 3pm for her talk : Healing and Social Change are Interconnected.

We are living through a potent transformational moment, as prophesied in the teachings of our various nations. The ancestors, Earth and cosmological alignments are on the side of life-affirming and land-based ways of being. Change is inevitable. Yet we cannot solve problems with the mindset that created them. Elevating our hearts and minds is essential if we want to co-create a more spiritually evolved society for future generations. Drawing on her wisdom teachings and emerging science, Zainab will offer clarity on how healing and social transformation are linked. She will discuss the ways we can apply our considerable spiritual power to invoke and sustain Onkwheonwe Neha (the good life).

Zainab Amadahy is of mixed heritage that includes African American, Cherokee and Seminole. As a facilitator and trainer, she helps community organizations vision, plan, and transform conflict. In her work as an Empowerment Coach Zainab helps people transform their lives and achieve their goals. Zainab has authored screenplays, nonfiction and futurist fiction. The most notable of Zainab’s nonfic writings is “Indigenous Peoples and Black Peoples in Canada: Settlers or Allies” (co-authored with Dr. Bonita Lawrence, Mi’kmaq). She currently sits on the Advisory Council of Muskrat Magazine, where many of her writings appear. In her role at Children’s Peace Theatre, Zainab works with the Council, staff team and BIPOC youth to explore healing and decolonization through artistic processes. Check out for more info on her work and free resources.

Web of Virtual Kin

Virtual gatherings, workshops, teachings, circles, parties + panels coming from Indigenous community members to hold space with our NDN kin across Nations, Lands + Waters. In an effort to locate + contribute to nodes in our interconnected web of relations during these times of social-distancing.

This series of gatherings centers and nourishes place-keeping of our Black, Brown, 2Spirited, trans, non-binary + indigiqueer community members and upholds harm reductive protocols that provides a sense of safety that is ever-evolving. This programming is held with Indigenous youth, 2Spirit indigiqueer community as well as families both blood + chosen to stay connected with our cultures, communities and creativity.
In each event posting, we will clarify who this event is open to – most of the time these gatherings are open exclusively to Indigenous + Black-Indigenous community members.

** If ever you are questioning if an event is for you, please feel comfortable connecting with us to ask. Please feel to come as you are. Do not hesitate to write to us if you have comments and / or suggestions.

Web of Virtual Kin is a collaborative weaving of intentions and community relationships, organized by SS2S :: StrongSpirit2Sircle, Land as Our Teacher (Concordia+) and nistamîkwan. SS2S wishes to extend gratitude to ASRC + Centre Clark + ACC-CCA for their generous support as well as CRE + Hand & Hands for their contributions during these times to the community. Web of Virtual Kin receives generous + generative funding support from LAOT and BACA 2020 Kahwatsiretátie : Teionkwariwaienna Tekariwaiennawahkòntie.

Facebook event link