Sat, Aug 15, 2020 8:00 PM
Artists: RainbowGlitz, Bleau Celeste, Midnight Wolverine, Adrienne Huard, Sparkle Plenty, Ravyn Wngz, Kìzis, Emerencz Merkle, Lily Cauldron, moon moon.

Our shapeshifting practices have been Medicine since time immemorial. On Aug 15th at 8pm, we gather 2S42S to honour forms of virtual touch, sex magic, pixelled movement, body work through the healing resonance of pole – drag – burlesque – dance – tone mixing + wonderwork. We will share in strength the brilliance, the potency and the care that is braided through our indigiqueer web of radical love sustained in the quantum. Open to 2Spirit kin, indigiqueer warriors, our community’s changing ones, gender bending cuzzins, trans loves, non-binary shapeshifters, LGBTTQQIA+ folx, heart-centered indigiquestioners + our extended BIPOC dear ones.

Web of Virtual Kin

Virtual gatherings, workshops, teachings, circles, parties + panels coming from Indigenous community members to hold space with our NDN kin across Nations, Lands + Waters. In an effort to locate + contribute to nodes in our interconnected web of relations during these times of social-distancing.

This series of gatherings centers and nourishes place-keeping of our Black, Brown, 2Spirited, trans, non-binary + indigiqueer community members and upholds harm reductive protocols that provides a sense of safety that is ever-evolving. This programming is held with Indigenous youth, 2Spirit indigiqueer community as well as families both blood + chosen to stay connected with our cultures, communities and creativity.
In each event posting, we will clarify who this event is open to – most of the time these gatherings are open exclusively to Indigenous + Black-Indigenous community members.

** If ever you are questioning if an event is for you, please feel comfortable connecting with us to ask. Please feel to come as you are. Do not hesitate to write to us if you have comments and / or suggestions.

Web of Virtual Kin is a collaborative weaving of intentions and community relationships, organized by SS2S :: StrongSpirit2Sircle, Land as Our Teacher (Concordia+) and nistamîkwan. SS2S wishes to extend gratitude to ASRC + Centre Clark + ACC-CCA for their generous support as well as CRE + Hand & Hands for their contributions during these times to the community. Web of Virtual Kin receives generous + generative funding support from LAOT and BACA 2020 Kahwatsiretátie : Teionkwariwaienna Tekariwaiennawahkòntie.
Illustration by nipinet. @nipinet